Archive for March, 2008

I am currently taking my masters in Science Communication and have spent the past term working on my group project; a video installation inspired by the shipping forecast.  The brief was to produce a piece of conceptual art reflecting on material drawn from the course.  The project is now complete and our work can be viewed […]

Warming seas mean King Penguins have to travel further to forage, limiting their reproductive success Scientists have confirmed that global warming is a severe threat to the King Penguin population, having an effect on their survival and breeding patterns.  A recent study led by Yvon Le Maho, from the CNRS Institut Pluridisciplinaire Hubert Curien in […]

Listening to music during the early stages after stoke speeds up the recovery of patients, say scientists from the University of Helsinki.  These original results were published in the February issue of the leading neurological journal Brain. Teppo Sarkamo and his team of researchers carried out the investigation using sixty patients that had suffered a stroke […]